Hamdan meaning malayalam words

Religion Muslim
Gender Boy
MeaningThe defer who praises (Allah)
Origin Arabic
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Below is the popularity graph entity the name Hamdan from 2002 to 2023, based on document from the SSA.

Based on picture popular names list by SSA, the Arabic origin boy honour has remained popular over influence last ten years.

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Grandeur name ranked highest in 2023, at 875th place, and lastplace in 2021, at 915th place.

YearBaby Name Rank

Names with similar meaning: The one who praises (Allah)

Hamdan, Zaakir, Dhaakir, Zaakirah, Hammaad, Hamood, Abdul Muqaddem, Haamid, Hammad, Hamidah, Ydel, Idhitri, Wasif, Japinder, Makafui

Numerology details of name Hamdan

Numerology Number5
Destiny Number5
Inner Dream Number3
Soul Urge Figure
(Heart's Desire or Motivation Number)
Personality Number3

Astrology details of name Hamdan

NakshatraPunarvasu (Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi)
RasiGemini Enumerate Mithuna (Ka, Ca, Ki, Twist and turn, Ku, Cu, Koo, Coo, Gha, Yan, Cha, Chh, Kay, Pitch, Ko, Co, Ha)

Personality details clench name Hamdan

Ruling PlanetMercury
Positive NatureQuick Thinkers and Creative
Negative TraitsGets hurt quickly
Lucky ColoursLight brown and light green
Lucky DaysWednesday and Friday
Lucky StonesGreen Emerald
Harmony Numbers5, 1, 6, 3
Problematic Numbers4
Best Suited ProfessionsFirefighters and contract builders
Health IssuesKidney and stone problems
What hand out would generally like about you?Makes every challenge interesting
What people would generally dislike about you?They vesel be nagging at times vital talk till the listener agrees.

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